7 Awesome Free JavaScript Courses with Certification

If you want to master JavaScript, enroll in these beginner-friendly courses for free, with most offering free certification. 👇

javascript free courses

1. JavaScript Beginner to Pro 🔥

A Udemy Course that will help you
🚀 understand object orientation in javascript
🚀 write functional programs in javascript
🚀 know some pitfalls and how to avoid them
🚀 write rich internet applications (AJAX style)

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2. Build a Quiz App with JavaScript 🚀

Also a Free Udemy Course that will help you understand

🚀 ES6 JavaScript features like arrow functions, the spread operator, const and let, and template literal string
🚀 how to use the Fetch API to load trivia questions from an API
🚀 how to store high scores in Local Storage
🚀 how to use Flexbox, Animations, and REM units in CSS
🚀 how to create a progress bar from scratch
🚀 how to create a spinning loader icon from scratch

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3. Advanced Object Oriented Programming in JavaScript 🔥

Free Udemy Course that will help you

🚀 Master primitive and reference types and their differences
🚀 Adding and removing properties to objects
Use various in built reference types
🚀 Learn the different ways to create and use functions
🚀 Understand how to Overload Functions
🚀 Use the "this" object and change it
🚀 Define and Delete Object properties
🚀 Use different types of properties
🚀 Modify object property attributes
🚀 Prevent object modification
Understand and use constructors and prototypes
🚀 Learn how to change the default prototype
🚀 Implement inheritance using prototype chaining
Also learn constructor inheritance
🚀 Invoke super constructors and methods
🚀 Master the super cool features ES6 has to offer

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4. Google : Learn Programming with Javascript 🔥

This is a course that is designed to teach you the fundamentals of the JavaScript programming language and to give you lots of practice along the way! how to write readable code so you can more easily modify, maintain, and share your apps.

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5. Alison Diploma in Html, css and JAVASCRIPT 🔥

This free course will give you in-depth knowledge of how you can use HTML5 to define the content of web pages, CSS3 to specify the layout and style of web pages, and JavaScript to program the behavior of web pages. These sets of skills will be a great boost to your career development as a computer programmer.

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6. JavaScript Essentials 🚀 🔥

This Course will help you
🚀 Learn basic syntax that can apply to any language.
🚀 Learn what is a programming language and the basic concepts for beginners.
🚀 Understand what is Javascript in it's truest form.
Know the basic syntax of Javascript.
🚀 Know some hidden quirks in Javascript.

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7. FreeCodeCamp Javascript Course 🚀 🔥

This is a Course Designed by Freecodecamp to help you master javascript here are som Projects you will build along the way

🍀 A Rock, Paper, Scissors Game
🍀 Tic Tac Toe
🍀 To Do List
🍀 Restaurant Page
and more...

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